Meadow Lane
Shipton under Wychwood Chipping Norton
Oxon OX7 6BW
T. 01993 831061
Email: zoe.grisenthwaite1@nhs.net
GP Trainers: Dr Katrina Darker, Dr Nina Brown
The Wychwood Surgery is a rural practice serving the three Wychwood villages and surrounding smaller communities. It is set in the Cotswolds in an area designated as of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We serve a population of 6000 patients who are a mixture of longstanding families with agricultural and service industry background, self-employed and some commuters. The practice population offers plenty of experience in looking after all ages from young families to the very elderly and with our elderly population there is a lot of opportunity for some very real medicine. The practice is a vital link in the community and we are very much part of all the pleasures and challenges of village life.
The Practice
There are four doctors, Nina Brown, Katrina Darker, Katy Walsh and Nikki Jones. We work from purpose built premises built in June 2006 and the practice runs a dispensary and community pharmacy. We have excellent, dynamic, skilled and friendly primary health care, management, reception and dispensary/pharmacy teams. We offer telephone and face to face appointments according to patient choice. We try to operate a “one stop shop” with patients having a seamless journey from Doctors, straight to the nursing team for any bloods/ecg/interventions and then able to get results within 48hrs of their original appointment. This system provides excellent access and clinical care and we have consistently high patient satisfaction levels in all surveys. Because of our distance from major hospitals we offer a wide range of services within the practice such as minor surgery, minor injuries, contraceptive IUD/S/implants, 24 Hr ECG and BP monitors, spirometry, dermoscopy and Gold Standard palliative care. We have nurse led chronic disease clinics with nurses highly skilled in diabetes and respiratory care, with dedicated GP lead and achieve high QOF points every year. We look after the residents of two local nursing homes and an independent living unit. We are an active part of NORA – the North Oxfordshire Rural Alliance (Primary Care Network) and you are welcome to join the PCN meetings.
Teaching and Training
We all really enjoy being involved in training and welcome the enthusiasm, knowledge and fresh ideas each GP ST can bring to the practice. We have been a training practice since 2002. All doctors in training have their own room and a dedicated educational supervisor but have dedicated teaching/debriefs/joint surgeries from all the Doctors to ensure exposure to a breadth of knowledge, experience, skills and styles. Nina and Katrina are both Trainers. We have the most friendly practice team who all welcome new faces. A vital part of our day is coffee/lunch time, for a chance to chat through challenging cases, de-stress and just have a bit of a giggle and this is often followed by a game of table-tennis. We encourage involvement at all practice meetings both educational and organisational, weekly Journal Clubs, regular clinical meetings with the whole practice clinical team, a quarterly practice team lunch out, weekend walks and other social events. We aim to provide a supportive learning environment with a tailored educational programme driven by the learner’s personal needs. There is enough flexibility in the time table to allow learners to progress at their own speed.
We are in a position to support trainees gain experience in coil and implant fitting, minor surgery, joint injections and dermoscopy.
If you would like any further information please look at our website, contact any of the Trainers or our Practice manager, Zoe Grisenthwaite. We are also happy to put you in touch with current/past STs.