Piggy Lane
Bicester, Oxon. OX26 7HT
T. 01869 249222
Dr Sue Danton
Dr Catherine Whittington
Dr Gordon Montgomery established a surgery in the centre of Bicester before WW1, so circa 1914. He was joined in 1937 by Dr Arthur House, and it is after our two founding fathers that Montgomery-House Surgery was named. We are one of the oldest practices in Bicester, and a very well-established training practice, having been training aspiring GPs for over 30 years. 2 of our current GPs were registrars at the practice!
We are fortunate to work in modern, purpose-built premises built in 1998 and as Bicester continues to thrive and grow we are planning to extend the surgery.
Our last CQC visit was in March 2018 and we were rated ‘good’ in all areas.
We look after a semi-rural population of around 17,200 patients and dispense to around 1,650 of them. Our list size is increasing due to the rapid expansion of Bicester, once a small market town.
We and our patients benefit from our town centre position adjacent to the modern Community Hospital, which provides community inpatient beds, x-ray services and several out-patient clinics. We are a short walk from Bicester Village and the town centre.
The team
Our young, friendly, dynamic medical team consists of three partners, six GPs and ST2/3 trainees. We also welcome doctors from the Oxford Sports and Exercise Medicine training program. We have expanded our team in recent year to include paramedics, advanced nurse practitioners, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, specialist practice nurses, physios, social prescribers, mental health workers, a team of excellent health care assistants, and a cohesive and loyal team of support staff, some of whom have been with the practice for 20+ years. The happiness and wellbeing of our staff is crucial to us and to the excellent service that we offer our patients. We hold regular meetings for the whole practice team, and value feedback and ideas from staff as well as patients. We hold twice-yearly social events, which are thoroughly enjoyed by staff (including our trainees) and our families.
We provide the complete range of primary care clinics, as well as hosting several outside clinics, for example the community addictions team, antenatal clinics, and research nurses. We offer in-house counselling, joint injections and the full complement of family planning services, including IUD and implant insertions.
We are committed to maintaining and developing high quality patient care and, as such, are actively involved in NIHR CRN research.
The proactive care home support service has enabled us to provide an efficient weekly visit to Langford View, a 60-bed care home. Dr Emma May spends a session per week visiting residents there and this is an excellent learning opportunity for our registrars.
Training & Education
We firmly believe for several reasons that Montgomery-House Surgery is the ideal practice to learn to be a great GP:
· Long-established training practice with supportive and approachable staff
· Cohesive, happy team who enjoy working together
· Busy practice with patients from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds
· Large practice offering range of additional services, providing opportunities to pursue any particular areas of interest
· Involvement and commitment of all clinical and support staff to training
· Participation of all the GPs in delivering tutorials, debrief sessions and shared surgeries
· Daily walks instituted by our current ST3
· Daily informal GPs’ lunchtime meeting to discuss clinical questions, eat lunch, socialise and unwind, with regular more formal scheduled meetings
· In-house educational meetings covering clinical updates, audit presentations, significant event analysis, IT updates and outside speakers.
Meet the trainers
Dr Sue Danton has been a GP for 24 years, previously as a partner and has been at Montgomery house for four years working over 3 days in practice. She enjoys the long-term continuity of General Practice and working as part of a team. She is a coil fitter and is involved a lot in women’s health. Having
been a trainer for about 11 years she has seen many trainees during their training, and enjoys supporting them to develop skills for the future.
· Dr Catherine Whittington has ben a GP since 2019 having trained in Nottingham. She joined the practice a year later. She was a mentor to medical students and supervised their placements before taking on GP registrar training.
Please feel free to arrange an informal visit by contacting Tracey Bishop, our practice manager on 01869 249222. We look forward to meeting you.