Russell Way
Chipping Norton, Oxon OX7 5FA
T. 01608 642742
GP Trainer: Dr Sandar Hlaing
Chipping Norton Health Centre formed as a collaboration of West Street and White House surgeries in 2015. Both surgeries had a very long history of GP training with four of our GPs having trained in the local Banbury scheme. We are a semi-rural practice with 7 partners and 7 salaried GPs serving around 16,000 patients. Practicing from our new purpose-built Health Centre; we are located in the famous market town of Chipping Norton. The combination of picturesque surrounding villages and hamlets with the growing town population gives access to a wide social mix and an abundance of pathology.
We moved into our spacious new Health Centre in March 2015, which has purpose-built consultation rooms as well as conference rooms for educational events and a well-stocked library. We have a 100- hour pharmacy on site, giving us a very close and productive working relationship with the pharmacists. This has been designed to work as a hybrid pharmacy/dispensary and gives trainees an insight into the exciting opportunities that General Practice can offer outside the usual GMS contract.
Our practice has a highly enthusiastic educational ethos as well as GP trainees we also have medical students, foundation year doctors and nurse students.
We look to continuously adapt to the changing healthcare environment and maintain gold standard patient care by encouraging learning and development through quality improvement projects, audit, and postgraduate training. The partnership divides work fairly, and each doctor takes responsibility for a clinical area and partnership activity. Our learners are encouraged to attend and contribute to partnership meetings where we greatly value their input and up to date knowledge.
Practice team and services provided
We have a strong team including GPs, nurses, paramedic, clinical pharmacists, mental health nurses, health care assistants, dispensers and administrative staff. We have regular meetings with the wider Primary care team including District Nurses, Health Visitors, Counsellors, Palliative Care Nurse and Midwifes.
We take pride in having excellent links with our local community and many of our team are strongly involved in the community led palliative care charity “Lawrence Home Nursing”. This was set up in memory of Dr Martin Lawrence who served the community as a GP for 25 years before being diagnosed with a terminal illness. We have an active patient participation group that helps encourage patients to take an active involvement in local healthcare provision and aids our communication with the community.
The surgery offers extended hours. Two of our GPs fit coils and contraceptive implants and two are trained in medical acupuncture. Several GPs perform dermoscopy and also perform some minor surgery. Other services operating from the Health Centre include Optometrists (offering MECS), Physiotherapy, Chiropody, Audiology, Citizens Advise Bureau, Pharmacy, Community Dermatology, Community Cardiology, and more.
Community Hospital
We provide medical cover to the local Community Hospital in collaboration with Consultant led care. The hospital also offers X-ray, Physiotherapy, Midwife led delivery suite and regular visiting Consultant clinics.
Feedback from previous trainees
“This training practice was extremely good and will form one of the lasting good memories in my life. The environment encourages commitment and team spirit and I found everyone to be helpful and encouraging”. “I found the practice team to be extremely warm, friendly and supportive”.
“During my 6 months I have learnt a great deal. The practice is a very friendly and happy place to work. The environment for learning is fantastic. My trainer has been exceptional, always challenging me but never leaving me feeling unsupported. I have gained immeasurably from working here. The team spirit and commitment from all members of the practice make it a place that is pleasurable to work in and I will be sad to leave.”
“As a GP returner, re-training has been a very positive experience. I have received outstanding support, teaching and encouragement from all the trainers as well as the members of the practice team. I would highly recommend West St Surgery to any prospective trainee or GP returner. The entire practice is committed to providing high quality teaching and training. I am very sad to be moving on.”
“Having been attached to the practice as part of the obstetrics and gynaecology programme and then for 6 months as a GP SHO I have felt very at home. It is an incredibly friendly practice to work in and there’s always a cheery face to greet you in the morning. The training is excellent and with three trainers there are always lots of opportunities for learning. As my trainer, Jane has always supported me and I have felt challenged but never out of my depth. Teaching time is always protected and valued. The other members of the team, clinical and administrative are all very approachable. I feel that I have learnt so much here and have loved getting to know the patients too. I will be very sad to leave – so much so I have got myself an extra few weeks to postpone the inevitable!”
Chipping Norton Health Centre offers progressive and exciting primary care health provision to a diverse local community. We believe in a proactive approach to improving health care through education and involvement in local commissioning of services.
Getting in touch
Avis Akers: 01608 648017 Reception: cnhc.reception@nhs.net Website: https://www.chippingnortonhealthcentre.nhs.uk/