Induction of new staff is absolutely vital to patient safety and we take it very seriously at Blackpool.
All new FY1s will attend the Foundation Induction prior to starting their first day, plus a Local Induction to introduce a new starter into their department each time they rotate into a new placement.
Local Induction is essential, in order to:
- Provide the Clinical Supervisor with an opportunity to safely welcome new starters into their department
- Orientate the trainee to how things are done, so that they can work safely and efficiently from day one
The Local Induction could be conducted on a one-to-one basis, or as part of a larger group, and will include some or all of the following criteria:
- Orientation to the department
- Outline of responsibilities
- Team working structure
- Departmental policies and clinical protocols
- Weekly timetables – ward rounds, out-patient clinics
- Rota and on call details
- Annual, sick and study leave processes and expectations
- Clinical supervision arrangements
- Departmental training opportunities available
- Audit
- Procedure for consent, discharge summaries and reporting incidents
- Sepsis policy
- Plus more…
You should then complete the Local Induction form (specifically designed to each specialty) within the first week if possible, but definitely within two weeks, of starting your placement.
Your Medical Education team will then record the completion of the form, including the date held, date submitted and Clinical Supervisor’s name, to feed back to our Trust Training department.