General Practice
General Practice is an attractive career choice. Training combines interesting medicine with the rewards of work with patients and in teams of healthcare professionals. It offers a sustainable work-life balance and flexible career paths, including: location, working patterns and the ability to pursue specialist interests. General Practice has a consistently excellent record in high quality teaching, training and support.
Think GP:-
These films feature GP trainees from present and recent past talking persuasively about their own experiences.
ST1s and 2s meet for teaching from 2-5pm on Wednesdays. The teaching is usually held at the Health Professionals’ Education Centre at Blackpool Victoria Hospital but some sessions are held online. The course is for your benefit and part of your educational hours and is mandatory unless on nights, on all, zero hours or leave. We cover many clinical and managerial topics in addition to exam and consultation support.
ST3s meet at the Education Centre on Wednesday mornings from 09.30-1 and the hours form part of the 12 hours education time. During this year we focus on the skills required to be a good GP, more advanced consultation skills , AKT, RCA/SCA exam support and professional development.
Please let us know if you cannot attend for any reason. We also want to improve the course and we value and use your feedback.