Bolton GP Education Blogs

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GP ST3 SCA Summer School

Teaching typically takes a pause over summer to allow for holidays and because traditionally, many ST3s were post-exam and pre-CCT. […]

GP ST3 Teaching Wednesday 6/9/23 0930-1230

Hi all, here are the joining instructions for next Wednesday’s morning session. We will be walking up Rivington Hill in […]

Scheduled Teaching programmes for GP Trainees starting in September 2023

Welcome (back) to Bolton’s GP Trainee Scheme! As part of your job plan we offer a scheduled teaching programme for […]

Jobs Arising from recent GPST3 Practice Visits Day

Dear ST3s and recent Bolton GP Training Graduates Following the GP Practice Visits session this week, we wanted to collate […]

ENT Study Day 30/06/2023

Mr Vikas Malik has organised a one day ‘Workshop on managing common ENT conditions in primary care and otoscope’ on […]

Doctors in Deprivation Training Day – 27/06/2023

I was wondering if it might be possible to communicate the below event Shared Health Foundation is offering to your GP […]

Bolton GP Educator Day

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 Education Centre, Royal Bolton Hospital 0900-1600 6 CPD Points MORNING: Examination focussed, with time to share […]

New to Bolton ST3 Induction 15/02/2023 0930-1230

Hi all, Welcome to your ST3 training in Bolton. 😀 Some of you are full time trainees rotating into ST3, […]

Structured Teaching Programmes starting from August 2022

Hello! We hope you’ve managed to enjoy some summer days whilst you work the last weeks of your placements in […]

Welcome to Bolton GP Blogs

We hope to post here useful information about the course, related content, as well as course and job adverts we […]



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British Journal of General Practice – Current Issue

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British Journal of General Practice – Most Frequently Read

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BMJ Best Practice – Important Updates

BMJ Journals: Family Medicine & Community Health

Primary Care Foundation :

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The Bolton News

Page last reviewed: 26 July, 2022