This report informs the ARCP panel whether you are developing the aforementioned 12 competences in a way that would be expected from a trainee at the same level of training. The Educational Supervisor will take into account the evidence available from your eportfolio but may also refer to evidence gained from working with you on a day to day basis as well as any feedback from colleagues, other trainers, patients or staff.
The ESR concludes with a recommendation to ARCP whether your trainer feels you should be allowed to proceed to the next level of training. The Educational Supervisor can refer you to the panel for an opinion if he/she has concerns about your progress.
It is your responsibility to set up a time for this meeting with your educational supervisor at 6 monthly intervals usually before the end of each job for full time trainees. In advance of each of these meetings you should work through the “review preparation” menu on your eportfolio. This has 3 parts:
- Review your curriculum coverage. The number of entries you have made for each curriculum area will be listed here. Consider the areas where you have less entries and aim to increase your coverage here. When you are in specialty based hospital training it is recognised that your coverage will be uneven but you should aim to make your learning as broad as possible
- Review your skills log, ie DOPS completed. You should look not only at how many DOPS you have filled in but also in how many of these you have been signed up as competent. You need to be competent in all of the mandatory DOPS by the end of your training.
- Complete the self rating scale, against the competency areas. Competent means competent within a GP setting so you should only very rarely expect to be competent in ST1 and 2.