Structured Teaching Programmes starting from August 2022
We hope you’ve managed to enjoy some summer days whilst you work the last weeks of your placements in that lovely place where you kind of know what you’re doing!
We’re conscious that you want to know when teaching starts up again, so whilst we still need to finalise some of the timetables, we can explain what to expect in the next few weeks so you can plan.
Firstly though, we need to make sure we invite you to the correct sessions, it’s important we have the right contact information for you. Please forward this email to any of your colleagues who haven’t received it. We’d also ask that you complete a short Google Form with your contact and training details:
Trainee Information Update:
We really appreciate that some of you may have done this form several times before but it really is crucial to making sure we keep you updated with the relevant course information. So thank you for bearing with us!
We’ve been working on our new web-site where it should be easier to find out about upcoming teaching:
It’s still a work in progress so excuse any errors! If any trainee would like to help contribute content for the site, please get in touch.
We intend to move away from weekly emails regarding teaching, and use the website to advertise sessions. Once we have confirmed speakers/locations, and we have updated your contact info, we’ll also email out specific timetables to the relevant ST1, ST2 and ST3 cohorts.
Structured Teaching Programmes
All teaching takes place at the Education Centre, Royal Bolton Hospital, unless otherwise stated. We don’t intend to use remote teaching methods regularly unless this becomes necessary due to national guidance, or where remote sessions allow us to invite speakers who can’t attend in person.
If you aren’t going to attend a teaching session, please send an email to your Education Supervisor, and copy us in ( so we know not to expect you.
You can see how to report a teaching absence and our policy on attending teaching here:
TLDR? You should attend teaching on time, respect others, report absence in advance and remember that you are paid for educational sessions so should treat them the same as clinical ones.
Please see specific information for your grade as follows:
Course Page:
First Session: 1400-1600 Thursday 18th August 2022, Seminar Room 1
ST1 Teaching takes place on selected Thursdays over a 12 month period.
Your practices and departments should be aware of the timings and ensure you are able to attend. When teaching is not scheduled, you should attend your clinical placement as per your job plan.
LTFT and February-starter trainees remaining in ST1 may see repeated sessions; if you have previously attended you may agree on an alternative educational activity with your Educational Supervisor if you prefer.
Course Page:
First Session: 1400-1630, Tuesday 6th September 2022, Seminar Room 1
The ST2-A course starts on 6th September and consists of 10 sessions over the 6 month semester. The ST2-B course starts in February 2023 and you should have attended both semesters (in any order) before progressing to ST3 teaching. Your practices and departments should be aware of the timings and ensure you are able to attend. When teaching is not scheduled, you should attend your clinical placement as per your job plan.
LTFT trainees remaining in ST2 may see repeated sessions; if you have previously attended a session you may agree on an alternative educational activity with your Educational Supervisor if you prefer.
Carole Kennedy will be in touch about your allocation to the Communication Skills Course. If you have not been allocated to the course, you should attend your clinical placement.
Course Page:
First Session: 0900-1600 Wednesday 24th August 2022, Seminar Room 1
We welcome ALL ST3s to the first teaching session on the 24th August. We will begin at 0900 with “Breakfast Club”, a more informal start to the day to allow shared discussion around topical issues regarding training and GP. You should agree an educational activity in line with your individual job plan with your Educational Supervisor for times where no session is scheduled.
For those ST3s who plan to sit the RCA in 2022, we recognise you may want some time and resource to review and discuss cases sooner than the formal programme begins. On the afternoons of 10th, 17th and 31st August we have booked Seminar Room 2 for you to use. You can connect devices to the screen there with an HDMI cable if you want to share recordings. These sessions will be unsupervised.
We look forward to welcoming you back!
Seb & Kat