
Our multi-disciplinary teaching staff offer a challenging and supportive Foundation Education programme, to help you get the best out of your studies and achieve your full potential.

With protected full day teaching hosted by resident Consultants, senior and junior Trainees and visiting health professionals, the sessions are held fortnightly on alternate weeks for FY1s and FY2s, and co-ordinated by our Clinical Skills facilitator, Linda Parker.

The Programme actively encompasses the use of the Simulation and Skills Centre – including the audio visual technologies to enhance training debriefings and encourage discussion.

Mapped against the Foundation Curriculum, we provide Trainees with experience of likely scenarios encountered by FY level grade doctors.  The main aim of the training is to increase confidence and competence and thus improve patient safety.

Our FY1 Teaching Programme includes these examples:

  • Development Day – A full-day of team building at an off-site location
  • Clinical Simulations
  • HORUS e-portfolio
  • End of Life Care
  • Prescribing Practice
  • Human Factors and Patient Safety
  • Career planning
  • Critical Appraisal
  • Safeguarding
  • Ethical principles
  • Writing death certificates
  • Unconscious patient
  • Professionalism
  • Lessons Learnt initiative
  • Full list to be confirmed…

Trainees are required to achieve 100% authorised attendance, with 70% ‘in the room’ attendance.

Your Teaching Programme is co-ordinated with hands-on experience within your departmental placements and supplemented by other learning opportunities.

In addition to the structured programme, we have an Undergraduate Resource room, situated in the Simulation & Skills Centre, which all trainees have access to.  If you feel the need to develop your clinical skills, this room is available for use, between 8-6pm Monday to Friday.  Bookable support from the S&S Centre facilitators is also available.