GPST1 and 2 Small Groups

ST1 & 2 Small Group Sessions

During term-time ST1s and ST2s WHO ARE PLACED IN GP ONLY (not those in hospital posts)  meet remotely for regular small group sessions.

The aims of these sessions are:

  • To support each other in what can be quite a challenging environment, away from your peers.
  • To share resources, knowledge and experiences as the group sees fit
  • To help each other work on consultation and communication skills using videos and role play
  • To offer an action learning group which uses the group to help each other complete an audit and discuss the process and implications of this as per the learning outcomes published on the Peninsula Deanery website.

These sessions do not take place when there is full-day ST1 or ST2 teaching.

The Training Programme Directors aim to facilitate these sessions.  If they are unavailable we recommend that you nominate a facilitator from amongst the group members. Dates of sessions are indicated on the main timetable. All sessions will start at 1000 and finish at approx. 1200

What should I do when there’s no VTS?

Please see the working week FAQs on the Deanery website