For GP Training
Revalidation, when required etc
Bradford VTS – a wealth of information on GP training!
Pennine VTS – another wealth of information, helpful advice and guidance
For GP Rotation
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries – simple clinical guidance
Northumberland self help leaflets – including anxiety, depression, self harm, stress etc
Arthritis UK leaflets – incl back, knee, shoulder exercises
Mood gym – self help CBT for depression
Mood juice – self help for anxiety, depression etc
Derm net – great Dermatology resources, good photos
When should I worry – parent info for children with resp tract infections
Spotting the sick child DoH module – very helpful for basics of assessing children
Oxfordshire CCG – for local referral guidelines etc
Primary Care Dermatology Society – helpful diagnostic and clinical guidance
FSRH – for guidelines on contraception etc
Evidence Based Medicine Numbers needed to treat , the likelihood ratio database and Centre of EBM.