Scheduled Teaching programmes for GP Trainees starting in September 2024

Posted by: Seb Pillon - Posted on:

Welcome (back) to Bolton’s GP Trainee Scheme!

As part of your job plan we offer a scheduled teaching programme for each year of the training programme. You can take a look at the dates for the training programme as follows:


Thursdays 1330-1700

Led by Dr Kat Rothwell

First Session: 5th September 2024 1330-1630, Education Centre

ST1 Schedule


Tuesdays 1300-1700

Led by Dr Seb Pillon

First Session: 10th September 2024 1400-1700, Education Centre

ST2 Schedule


Wednesdays 0900-1700

Led by Drs Kat Rothwell & Seb Pillon

First Session: 11th September 2024 0900-1700, Education Centre

ST3 Schedule


Unless otherwise stated, teaching takes place in the Education Centre at Royal Bolton Hospital, located in building 12 on the following map:

You may be eligible to claim for mileage and parking fees, depending on your grade. Queries and claims for expenses are managed via the Lead Employer. The Education Team at Royal Bolton cannot help with these queries.

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