Dr Reuban Pratheepan
Training Programme Director

BSc (Hons) (2008); MB ChB 2009; MRCGP (2014)
Based at Oaks Family Practice, Crompton Health Centre, Bolton, BL1 8UP
Reuban was appointed to this role on 1st May 2022 and he is responsible for leading and co-ordinating the training of GP specialty trainees across the Bolton training programme
Dr Kat Rothwell

MB ChB (2007) Universty of Manchester; MRCGP
Based at Tonge Fold Health Centre, Bolton, BL2 6DY
Kat organises teaching for ST1 and ST3-B
Dr Seb Pillon

BSc (Hons) Healthcare Ethics & Law (2005); MB ChB (2008) University of Manchester; nMRCGP (2014); Affiliate Member RCEM
Based at Bolton Community Practice, Bolton, BL1 8TU & Emergency Department, Royal Bolton Hospital, BL4 0JR
Seb organises teaching for ST2 and ST3-A and is the Bolton GP Training Scheme Dyslexia Champion.
Primary Care Medical Educators (Kat & Seb) can be contacted via their joint email: gpeducatorsbolton@gmail.com
Dr Sadiyah Kauser
Differential Attainment Champion

BSc (Hons); MBChB (2010) Leeds; MRCGP (2015); PGCME
Based at Unsworth Group Surgery, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL5 3UB
Sadiyah works with GP Trainees to supplement and enhance their practice-based and class-room-based learning, with a focus on specific areas of need.
Dr Julian Tomkinson
Communication Skills Tutor

MB ChB (1995) Manchester
Based at Timpley Health Centre, Trafford
Julian has developed our ST2 Consultation Skills Course, which runs twice a year, as well as Communication Skills sessions during ST1 teaching
Julian Page
Course Tutor

Julian Page is a retired GP and former PCME for Bolton. He currently works with NHSE training GP Educators in a variety of roles.
Julian works as a Course Tutor on the programme
Dr Emily Nelson (ST2)
GP Trainee Liaison Officer

Currently based at Stablefold Surgery
Emily is a current GP trainee who helps collate trainee feedback and liase with the education team.
Carole Kennedy
Deputy Education Centre Manager

Carole is employed by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and oversees the delivery of all post-Foundation speciality training programmes.
Carole coordinates all the speciality training in Bolton, is the Trust’s Less Than Full Time Working & SuppoRTT Champion and also delivers education around medical careers.
Carole was the 2023 winner of the Bolton NHS FABB “Corporate Star” Award.

Lisa Diamond
Medical Education / Specialty Trainee Administrator

Lisa is employed by Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and supports delivery of all the different post-Foundation speciality training programmes.
Lisa previously worked within Bereavment Services at the Trust.
Dr Nick Walton
Associate Dean

Nick is the NHSE Associate Dean for Bolton, Salford and Trafford GP Training Schemes.
Nick provides a link between the local programs and GP HENW.
Education Centre Address:
Education Centre Royal Bolton Hospital
Minerva Road Farnworth Bolton
Telephone: (01204) 390427

Out of Hours Sessions
GP Trainees have to undertake and document adequate Out of Hours experience by the end of Training. The current provider for these sessions is BARDOC. The contact for arranging these sessions is: BDOC.rotateam@nhs.net
Page last reviewed: 7 August, 2024