Educational Support
Directed by Dr Linda Hacking, the Trust’s Medical Education Team is based in the Medical Education Centre and managed by Kate Stannard, with the Postgraduate Team led by Emily Croucher.
The Foundation Programme is directed by Mr Alex Blackmore, Consultant Surgeon (FY1) and Dr Hanadi Sari-Kouzel, Consultant Rheumatologist (FY2), who shape the Foundation Tracks at our Trust and meet with the Trainees on a one to one basis to assess progress.
Trish Broadhead, the Foundation Programme Administrator is your primary point of contact for any queries, not matter how big or small, throughout your two years at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals.
As a team, our key responsibilities include:
- Organise and deliver a robust and appropriate Induction Programme
- Quality control of the Foundation Programme teaching and training
- Ensure Trainees experience an excellent learning environment, and the duties, working hours and supervision of trainees are consistent with the delivery of high quality, safe patient care
- Support our Trainees to acquire the necessary skills and to achieve their curriculum needs through teaching programmes, effective educational supervision and time to learn
- Support our Trainers to provide effective support, supervision and mentorship and teaching for doctors in training
- Provide on-site support to Trainees with educational concerns/queries
The Medical Education Team has an open office policy and is proud to provide a significant support service to our Trainees.
“It’s a place where everyone gets to know each other very quickly, and it soon feels like home. The Foundation Team are very well organised and make the process of starting work as pain free as possible!”
Non-Educational Support
The Medical Deployment Team – Managed by Gill Evans, are also based in the Medical Education Centre and provide:
- Non-educational support to our Trainees
- A key contact with the Lead Employer
- Rota monitoring and compliance
- A liaison with the Trust’s Rota Co-ordinators
“My experience at Blackpool has been nothing short of brilliant – friendly staff, encouraging colleagues and the extremely supportive team at the Medical Education Centre have facilitated my growth as a junior doctor and have helped me become a safe, competent and confident health care professional. And more importantly a better person!”