Being a Training Practice

What does it mean to be a Training Practice?

There are a number of elements that need to be achieved in order to become a training practice. The process for obtaining approval as a training practice is currently under review and is due to be finalised in January 2023. New Practice approvals will now be undertaken by the Deanery Training Hubs – more information about the new process can be found on the Deanery website HERE

Practice Trainers also need to be approved before they can host a GPST DiT. From Jan 2023 there is also new process for this – details of this can be found on the Deanery website HERE.

As part of the process, trainers will need to attend the new Modular Supervisor’s Course (run by the Deanery), once they have passed the course, we will arrange a ‘New Trainers Visit/Conversation’ during which they will need to provide the following documentation:

  • GMC number
  • Date of entry to GP register
  • Date started work in current organisation
  • Modular Supervisors’ Course completion certificate
  • Current Equality, Diversity & Inclusion certificate; this must be dated within the last 3 years.
  • Induction timetable
  • DiT timetable
  • Supervisor timetable

The practice needs to be able to meet the general standards of:

  • High quality clinical care
  • High quality education
  • Offering suitable clinical experience

General Information on becoming and being a GP Training Practice can also be found in the RCGP-COGPED guide (scroll down to Annexe 4)

There are enormous benefits to being a training practice. This includes not only having extra appointments available to patients but generally improved standards across the practice. Involving DiTs in clinical discussions can often bring new and up-to-date view points plus there is often a wealth of enthusiasm that comes with a DiT, that impacts positively across the practice.

Considerations for the Practice Manager:

  • Check the Deanery website to identify your Associate Postgraduate Dean. It is likely they will be involved in approval and re-approval visits.
  • Be aware of approval / re-approval dates
  • Monitor criteria to ensure that the practice is continually meeting required standards.
  • Liaise with GP tutors and DiTs re training experience to identify improvements.
  • Identify other practices in the area that have trainees, and develop a support network if required
  • Liaise with the Deanery and GP education School