Working Week – example

The following are sample timetables for both induction and normal weeks taken from one of our training practices.  They will need to be adapted to suit your practice and your registrar.


Useful Guidelines

Your full time trainee should have the following averaged out over 6 weeks:

  • 7 clinical sessions
  • 1 tutorial
  • 2 other educational sessions

The ‘other educational sessions’ can be clinics either in or out of practice, shared surgeries, observing other practice members consult, well woman clinics, courses etc etc.  You can average out the sessions spent in induction over the following 6 weeks.

Part time trainees still require a 7:3 split, trainees should have pro-rata allocation of tutorials, so the balance of tutorial to other educational time will be different.

The study leave entitlement is 15 days per 6 months. This includes VTS sessions.

A.M.Pall Care/ChemistSDLTutorialRotate PHCTRotate PHCT
P.M.Tasks to achieve /Create own learning objectivesVTSIT/Practice Mgr/ Sit in Drs, Nurses, Health visitorsVisit Undertaker/QuizRotate PHCT
NORMAL WEEK MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
A.M.SurgeryProtected learning time/Joint SurgeryTutorialSurgerySurgery


Normal WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday

Sample ST Timetable

Wednesday 4th  February8.30 -10.30 am with GH
10.30 – 11.00 reception/waiting room/
Meeting 1pm3.40 – 6.00pm
Consulting with KME
Thursday 5th February8.30 – 11.00 Treatment room/dispensary

11.30 – 1.00 Computer training/secs/admin

 2-6 pm
Asthma Clinic
Friday 6th February8.30am – 10am
Emis practice

10am – 1.00pm
Antenatal clinic
 2.00 – 6.00pm

Protected time for assessment forms + ePortfolio

Monday 9th February8.30am – 12.30pm

Consulting with TH

3.40 – 6.00pm

Consulting with GAMB

Tuesday 10h FebruaryVTS VTS
Wednesday 11h February8.30am – 1.00pm

Tutorial KME

 3.40 – 6.00pm

Consulting debrief SAR

Thursday 12h February8.30am – 10.40

Consulting – debrief KME

11.30 – 12.30 Carson chemist

Meeting 1pm3.40 – 6.00pm

Consulting with EK

Friday 13th


8.30am – 10.40

Consulting – debrief RD

11.30 – 12.30 Study time


Protected time for assessment forms + ePortfolio

Monday 16th February 8.30am – 10.50am
Minor illness

11.30am – 12.20pm

Consulting with RD

Meeting 1pm3.40- 5.50pm
Consulting debrief  KME
Tuesday 17h FebVTS VTS
Wednesday 18TH


8.30am – 1pm

Tutorial KME

 3.40- 5.50pm
Consulting with SM
Thursday 19th February8.30am – 10.40am

Consulting debrief RD

11.30am – 12.30pm

Consulting debrief RD

 3.40 -5.50pm

Consulting debrief GAMB

Friday 20th February8.30 – 10.40 am

Consulting debrief SM

11.30am – 12.30pm

Consulting debrief SM

 3.00 – 4.50 pm

Consulting debrief SM

Monday 23RD February8.30 – 10.40am

Consulting debrief KME

11.30am – 12.30pm

Consulting debrief  KME

From 1 pm at Townlands hospital.1.00-2.00pm Rory Abolins elderly mental health

2.30-3.30- Trcay Avis/Caroline Stevens- Adult mental health

3.30 – 4.00 pm Thelma Craig Physio
Tuesday 24th FebruaryVTS VTS
Wednesday 25TH Feb8.30am – 1pm

Tutorial KME

Abbeycrest SAR3.40 – 5.50 pm

Consulting debrief SAR

Thursday 26th February8.30 – 10.40am

Consulting debrief KME

11.30am – 12.30pm

Consulting debrief KME

 3.40 – 5.50 pm Consulting debrief EK
Friday 27th FebruarySue Ryder hospice Sue Ryder hospice