New and Prospective GP Trainers

We’re delighted that you’re interested in becoming a trainer or training practice!  Our team of programme directors are here to help and advise you all aspects of getting involved in GP education, whether you want to take the plunge an become a trainer or want to get involved in teaching groups within the scheme. We can be contacted on

 Benefits of training

  • Practice benefits from knowlege base of trainees doctors who have up-to-date experience of secondary care and the GP curriculum
  • Opportunity to work more closely with other local practices, sharing ideas and expertise
  • Development of team learning within your practice
  • Regular ongoing updates and opportunities to enhance your skills as an educator

We currently have training practices of a variety of sizes, locations and types. We are keen to showcase as much as possible of the diversity of general practice to our trainees and would be interested in approches from any type of practice interested in training.

How do I become a trainer?

Under normal circumstances, the following are requried in order to become a trainer:

Your practice will also need to meet certain criteria- details of which can be found on the Oxford deanery (HETV website). Before you can take your first trainee you will have a practice visit to assess both youself and the practice against these criteria.

Generic Approval schedule

TA1 Training Practice Approval Form

Courses for GP trainers 2020

TA2 Virtual Re-Approval Form

What are the commitments of becoming a trainer?

Before deciding to become a trainer you are advised to consult the Trainer’s Commitments section of this website and discuss these with your practice.

 Typically once you are appointed as a trainer you will be allocated an ST1 trainee. You will support them through their hospital jobs and and then host them in your practice in their final ST3 year of training. You will be supported by the programme directors and local associate dean. Many established trainers will be supporting both an ST1 or 2 and an ST3 at any one time.  You will need time to monitor their e-portfolios every week and meet with them for their six monthly educational supervisors review.

As a trainer for the scheme you will also be expected to contribute occasionally to teaching during the VTS day-release on a Tuesday and take part in trainer study days run every six months by the scheme to keep you up to date!