We recognise that many of our trainees will have gained their primary medical qualification outside the UK and that while some will already have extensive experience, others may be new, or relatively new, to both the UK and the NHS.
Dr Jude Mayadunne, Plymouth’s IMG Support Fellow, has put together a really helpful handbook of info and resources – click the QR code below to go straight there

NEW – Podcasts
The Yorkshire & Humber Deanery have put together a great series of podcasts aimed at IMGs starting their GP training – click the QR codes to go straight there
About the podcasts
Intro ep

Ep 1

Ep 2

We also recommend you take a look at this website which was developed by two Core Medical Trainees from Plymouth and has much information that will be helpful for those new to UK practice:
Road to UK
The team behind Road to UK have also produced a really helpful Guide to the NHS:
Road To UK Guide to the NHS