- Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA) is one of the 3 components of the MRCGP exam. Guidance is available at the RCGP website:
http://www.rcgp.org.uk/gp-training-and-exams/mrcgp-workplace-based-assessment-wpba.aspx - ST2s should complete at least 3 COTs/Mini CEXs and 3 CBDs in each 6 months
- If you are in a GP placement, you will need to have done a PSQ
- You need a CSR for each hospital post
- The minimum requirement for Less than Full Time trainees is pro-rate to full timers
- The Severn Deanery has specific recommendations on Learning Log – please take time to read through these. They can be found on the deanery website:
http://www.primarycare.severndeanery.nhs.uk/training/gp-curriculum-and-mrcgp/wpba/ - At the end of every year, there will be an ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) in June or July (timings may slightly different for less than full time trainees or those who have had prolonged leave). Please make sure that your e-portfolio is complete and up to date before this. The panel scruitinises your e-portfolio to make sure that trainees are developing the required competencies and skills and that the necessary evidence to support progression is present. Details of ARCP can be found at:
http://www.primarycare.severndeanery.nhs.uk/training/gp-curriculum-and-mrcgp/annual-review-of-competence-progression-arcp/ - Severn Deanery has provided some useful guidance on how to prepare for your ARCPs