Study Leave

What is my study leave allowance for ST1, 2 & 3 years?

Annual entitlement is 30 days, running from August to August.

Remaining allowance after deductions for day release course etc. is 15 days (7.5 days per 6 month post).

LTFT pro rata Study leave annual entitlement is as follows:

80% – 12 days, 70% – 10.5 days, 60% – 9 days and 50% – 7.5 days – to be spread over the year.

What is my study leave budget?

There is no cap on study leave budget currently.  However points of note to be considered are:

Is the course related to the GP curriculum?

Is there a local course that is suitable either at a lower cost or is provided at no cost?

Applications under £250 are likely to be approved, but may still need to be authorised by APD.

Applications over £250 will always need to be authorised by APD.

What do I need to apply for?

These are examples:

Clinic attendance

One day, single curriculum area, knowledge-based update courses – (RCGP, Red Whale, NB Medical for example) – only 2 per year

General update courses – 1 per trainee during training in either ST2 or 3

Exam revision leave – maximum of 5 days for AKT/SCA this DOES come out of your study leave allowance

AKT / SCA RCGP revision courses – NOTE you can only attend the RCGP course – no other provider will be authorised

GGPET (Gloucestershire GP Education Trust) other than those included on timetable (you are a member of GGPET and can attend any of their courses). Please make sure you have your log in and user name to enable you to book onto their sessions. If you don’t know your login please contact Victoria Edgeworth

Courses related to scholarship roles / Meetings related to GPST representative roles

Career fairs / Leadership courses / Teaching courses

ILS (if qualification out of date) – Please note ALS is not allowed

Adult/Child protection

Catergory III courses – these are at the discretion of the APD – you MUST complete a study leave application form and have it signed by your ES. Send the signed form to Victoria, who will get it approved by Hannah Richmond, APD. These course are only funded at 50% of the course fee. We will however, refund travel and accommodation costs at 100%. More information on Category III course can be found on the GP School website.

Professional Leave GPSTs are also entitled to up to 5 days professional leave a year. Professional leave can be used for attending committee meetings, the PESC or EESC to help trainers, practice visits and similar activities that are not primarily educational but are of benefit to the medical community.

All study leave (including attendance at GGPET events) other than attendance at the Half Day Release Programme must be agreed with your ES, an entry put into your PDP and entered onto Accent for approval by the Admin team.

You are expected to spread your study leave out throughout the year and it should be educationally appropriate. The Severn Deanery has several useful pages which give you more information on study leave: – this link is to the Severn Deanery Study Leave Policy but also gives you further information on your private study time which you are given when in GP posts.

Time in lieu will be allowed if the course is undertaken outside of the normal working week, for example a course undertaken on a Saturday would allow the GPST to take time in lieu from their educational time in the working week. For LTFT trainees, attending a course on a non-working day would result in time in lieu being taken from educational time in their normal working times, please liaise with your Rota Coordinator prior to bookings.

What don’t I need to apply for?

Day release (VTS) teaching sessions

SCA/AKT Exams – travel expenses for AKT still need to be added to Accent to reclaim them.

Study Leave Expenses

You MUST put your expenses on your original study leave claim, if you dont know the exact amount, then put in an estimate of the cost

You MUST claim your expenses within THREE months of the course haven taken place, otherwise your claim will NOT be authorised. More information about expenses can be found in the useful documents below