
Your Training

Non-urgent advice: An intro to the ePortfolio

Your online portfolio is your evidence of competence. You should receive your login details before you start training. Please log in beforehand, have a play around, and check to see if your educational supervisor has been listed. You can reach this by clicking the portfolio tab (second tab at the top of the page) and then the details will be listed on the right handside. You have the same Educational Supervisor for the first two years of training. Your educational supervisor will usually be based at the practice where you will do your GP placement in either ST1 or 2 (although this is not always the case).    

If your supervisor hasn’t been listed or if you do not have log in details for FourteenFish, let Trudy Eddy or the TPDs know on the Scheme Introduction Day.

Portfolio Advice

The ePortfolio can be an intimidationg thought at the start of training. But it need not be. It is there to record, monitor and manage your learning in one central location. Used correctly and efficiently it can provide a structure for documenting the evidence harvested through your training and assessment to systematically record a picture of competence.

Above all else the ePortfolio is where you record your learning in all its forms and settings. It is a place to show your abilities and progression and personal development through learning.

The ePortfolio helps…

YOU to record and reflect on your learning experiences to see what you’ve got out of them. It helps you contextualise your experiences encounters. It can also be used to create signposts to resources and knowledge that will provide a platform for continued practice and learning as an independent GP.
THE DEANERY as an educational tool to assist with quality assurance to demonstrate that you have acquired the competencies to practise safely.
THE PUBLIC/THE ROYAL COLLEGE by demonstrating that trainees go through a rigorous structured training program. This provides the foundation for public faith in our profession.

Useful Acronyms:
CBD: Case base Discussion
Mini CEX: Clinical Examination
COT: Consultation Observation Tool
CAT: Care Assessment Tool (includes CBD)
CEPS: Clinical Examination and Procedural Skills
PSQ: Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire
QIA: Quality Improvement Activity
QIP: Quality Improvement Project
MSF: Multisource Feedback
CSR: Clinical Supervisor Report
ESR: Educational Supervisor Report
LEA: Learning Event Analysis
SEA: Significant Event Analysis
OOH: Out of Hours
BLS: Basic Life Support

Requirements per rotation

There are different requirements for ST1/2 and ST3. This table summarises the requirements for each year.

Non-urgent advice: Top Tips for the ePortfolio

1. See it as continual assessment and spread the WPBA out throughout the year rather than leaving it all to the last minute.
2. When you complete a clinical case review, link the capabilities and competencies at that time and write a description. It means that when it comes to you doing your self assessment for your ESR, it will have auto-populated your comments (saves you hours if done this way!)
3. The deadline for all the requirements for each year (including your ESR) to be on your ePortfolio is usually end of May/June for August starts and early December for February starters so make sure all the requirements are completed ahead of this to save you stress at year end.
4. When completing clinical case reviews, look at where the gaps are in your capabilities and competancies and think of cases that might be suitable.
5. PUNs (patient unmet needs) and DENs (doctors educational needs) make great PDPs that can made a clinical case review so if after you see a patient, there’s something you identify that you need to learn more about, make it a PDP and on completion, complete a reflective log.