
The Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) process is the means by which doctors in training are reviewed each year to ensure that they are offering safe, quality patient care, and to assess their progression against standards set down in the curriculum for their training programme.

It is also the process through which their full scope of work review is undertaken to satisfy revalidation requirements.

When Do They Happen?

They happen annually, before the end of the training year. For February starters, panel tends to be at the beginning of January with deadline for requirements to be on your portfolio a month before. For August starters, it tends to be in July, with deadline for requirements to be on portfolio in June. These dates are subject to change and they are also usually earlier in your ST3 year to allow for CCT.

Some Quick Tips

  1. At the start of each rotation, plan out when you are going to complete your WPBA, factoring in an earlier deadline to allow your ESR to take place in time for deadline for evidence to be on your portfolio
  2. Map each learning log to a capability and competency, that way your self rating at the end of each 6 months will take half an hour rather than half a day
  3. As soon as you get the date for your ARCP, book a date to have you CSR and ESR meetings.
  4. Make sure you fill out Form R and upload it to your compliance passport. Form R will usually be emailed to you nearer the ARCP time so keep an eye on your emails.