Doctors in Deprivation Training Day – 27/06/2023

I was wondering if it might be possible to communicate the below event Shared Health Foundation is offering to your GP ST2/3 Trainees. We are aiming the training at GP’s and GP ST2/3 trainees who are currently working, have an interest in working in areas of deprivation or those that would like to improve their skills in Deprivation Medicine.
“Join the Shared Health Foundation at our annual education event where we will give Primary Care staff the tools and knowledge to provide an environment in your workplace where everyone has the best chance of living a healthy life, regardless of their circumstances.“
The pressures on Primary Care have increased year on year, and there is no sign of this stopping, especially in areas hit the hardest by the pandemic lockdowns, and the rise in cost of living. Amongst talk of “levelling up” and targets to “reduce health inequalities” – what is it we can actually do?
We will explore the challenges faced by those working in areas of deprivation and disadvantaged communities and share the hopeful work organisations in Greater Manchester and beyond are doing to reduce health inequalities and the impact of poverty on health.
Get to grips with the health inequalities that many people face, and how you can help put things right. Learn about the causes and effects of health inequalities, and find out about the ways in which GPs and healthcare staff can do their bit to make a difference.
We hope that after attending your skills, outlook and understanding will have been transformed and you will feel more hopeful in your vital grassroots work.
Tickets to the event are free of charge and are limited