Hospital Post Benefits

The Nursery

The Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS foundation trust runs the Rainbow Day Nursery, based on the hospital site for children of staff, as well as a holiday club, open during the main school holidays.

Please see here for OFSTED Reports on both the nursery and the holiday club.

For further information about the nursery or holiday club please contact the Nursery Manager on 0118 322 7112.  The nursery is popular and operates a waiting list so you are advised to make contact as far in advance as possible of requiring a place.

Key worker roles are certain public sector jobs based in England. You may be eligible for help to buy a home through one of the HomeBuy schemes if you are a key worker and you:

  • have a household income of £60,000 or less per year
  • are a first-time buyer

More on the key worker scheme.

Hospital Accommodation

Hospital Accomodation at the Royal Berkshire Hospital is provided by Western Challenge Housing Association.  Both single and family accomodation is usually available in the vicinity of the hospital.

Please see the Western Challenge Website for further information and prices.

Mileage claims and Travel Expenses

You can only claim for travel expenses up to a maximum of 20 miles home to surgery and back plus visits ON DAYS YOU ACTUALLY DO VISITS.  Other days you cannot claim for.  You cannot claim for mileage to OOH sessions- however there is a claim for excess travel expenses under the relocation funds and we have to apply for this as appropriate.

All relocation expenses should be requested through the Single Lead Employer –

Mileage is claimed through the single employer and claim forms can be found here

Medical Defence Fees Claims

It is a condition of your employment that you have medical indemnity insurance for the jobs you are doing. You will need to pay your own (very inexpensive) subscriptions while you are in hospital jobs.  Since GP work is not covered by crown indemnity the premiums are much higher.  You are entitled to reimbursement of the difference between the fees you would be paying as a hospital doctor and the fees you have paid as a GP registrar.

Removal Expenses

If you have to move house in order to take up a job on this scheme you may be able to claim removal expenses.

If you start in a hospital post you make your claim via medical staffing at the hospital you are placed.

If you start in GP you claim through the Single Lead Employer –