Quality Panels
Quality Panels (QPs) are an integral part of the HEE Quality Framework (HEE QF) utilised throughout the Peninsula and Severn deaneries. The panels provide important information in respect of quality management of the posts and programmes across the region.
The panel is an annual meeting of selected individuals involved in the training programme under discussion. It has the remit to evaluate all the composite posts within the programme, and has a mandate to produce an outcome for each post, based on information provided by trainees in each of the various specialties.
The programme TPDs will decide who will be present at each panel. There must be trainee representation and the number of trainees on the panel must exceed the number of other panel members including the Chair. The trainees present should be representative of the placements within the programme and should be prepared to give a balanced view of the placement they have experience of and be informed about other posts within the programme by canvassing colleagues who have experience of these placements.
Each post will be graded as Excellent, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate, and a report will be produced after the panel clearly stating the action that is required for the post graded to move to the next level i.e. Inadequate to Requires Improvement, Requires Improvement to Good and Good to Excellent. This feedback will be shared with the departments and practices.
Where concerns are raised the report needs to state that addressing these are either a requirement or recommendation. Each concern will have an individual identified as responsible with a date for the actions to be reported upon.
Those concerns marked as requirements will need an action and update. If no progress is made these will be escalated through the deanery’s quality processes. Issues that are recommendations should be pursued and progress documented. If no progress can be made these issues will be escalated.
Full details of the quality panel process can be found on the deanery website here.