What reimbursements can I claim for as a trainer?
As a GP trainer you are eligible to apply for various funds:
A trainer’s grant for each trainee who is in practice with you – for GPStRs (St1/2/3) this comes from the TVPCA and for F2 doctors this comes from the Foundation School.Currently (Jan 2013) the trainers grant is £7645 for each twelve month period.
For each trainee for whom you are ES, but who is NOT currently in practice with you, you can claim the educational supervisor’s allowance of £500 per year (or pro rata).
You can also claim a CPD allowance (GP Specialty trainers only, not Foundation supervisors) on submission of an educational PDP, including evidence of equality and diversity training, to the Deanery. This is (as of Jan 2013) £750.
Foundation Trainer Criteria/ Reimbursement
Gaining approval for your practice to take Foundation trainees
If your practice would like to take Foundation trainees and has not previously been approved for F2s or GP trainees, you will need to apply to have a practice approval visit. Contact Richard Mumford, GP Foundation Lead.
Gaining approval to be a clinical supervisor of F2s in GP, if your practice already takes F2s or GP trainees
If you already work in a practice that takes F2s or GP trainees and F2s, but you are new to clinical supervision of F2s, you need to come on a training afternoon. Contact Richard Mumford, GP Foundation Lead, to book a place.
How to claim reimbursement for a Foundation Trainee
GPs can claim a trainers grant for each F2 placed in their practice, currently this is £2558 per trainee, per four months.
Invoices should be sent Health Education Thames Valley (FAO the Foundation School), preferably early on in the placement.
All invoices must include the following:
– Practice name, address, and contact info
– Invoice date
– Invoice number
– Amount
– Trainee name and dates with the practice
– Bank details for BACS payment
GPs cannot claim for payment if they act as an Educational Supervisor for trainee.
Claim Forms for Practice Managers