GP Trainee Committee

The GP Trainee Committee within the Exeter VTS scheme seeks to provide another communication link between the trainees and the Training Programme Directors (TPDs). The committee aims to provide support and advice for trainees and works with the TPDs on a number of projects from developing the training programme, through to assessing training posts and organising social events.

There are representatives for each year of training and we offer confidential feedback sessions to discuss trainee issues and concerns. As a committee we meet with the TPDs regularly to discuss feedback, ways in which improvements can be made and problems addressed. One of our committee members sits in on the Peninsula-wide GPST committee meetings as a Trainee Representative and can raise and respond to issues on a regional level.

The committee is a great way to help influence and have a real say in how to develop the training programme. Each training year has a WhatsApp group as well as a larger cross-year group. If you need to join a WhatsApp group, you’re interested in getting involved in the committee or have any queries please let one of the current members know.

The GP trainee committee always welcomes new members. If you are interested please contact