Welcome to the Bolton Online Library of Useful Resources for Trainees.Please feel free to let us know of any useful resources you think we should add.
The external links added do not represent a recommendation nor a validation of quality, please evaluate clinical information given by them before application. Any paid links on the following sites are not endorsed nor recommended by the GP training scheme or NHS England.

CelebrAiT RCGP YouTube Playlist for new GP Trainees

NHS England – Education
- Padlet of Useful Resources by Mohan Kumar
- http://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/
- https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/content/national-context-medical-leadership-competency-framework
- https://primarycare.severndeanery.nhs.uk/training/trainees/the-working-week-and-the-new-junior-doctor-contract-njdc/
National/International Guidelines
- http://www.nice.org.uk/
- http://www.sign.ac.uk/
- https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/
- https://www.patient.co.uk/
- https://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/
Bolton Guidelines and Protocols
Online Learning
- http://e lfh.org.uk/projects/egp/index.html
- http://www.businessballs.com/
- https://www.mimslearning.co.uk/
- https://www.eintegrity.org/product/dermatology/
- Teach Me Anatomy
- Red Whale GP Update
GP Training Schemes
Consultation Skills

- Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GMMMG)
- Drug Interactions Checker (Medscape)
- HIV Drugs Interactions (University of Liverpool)
- Paediatric Pearls
- The Poo Nurses (Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust)
Chronic Pain
Palliative Medicine
UK National Health Service Law
Post-CCT / First5 GP Resources
Page last reviewed: 18 February, 2023