Avon Road Surgery

Practice Name: Avon Road Surgery
Trainers Name(S): Dr M Gouldie
Address: Cranham Health Centre, Avon Road, Cranham, Essex RM14 1RG
Email: michelle.gouldie@ntlworld.com
Telephone: 01708 576120
Website: https://www.avonroadsurgery.nhs.uk/
Number Of Patients: 4447
Number Of Partners: 2


ECG: Yes
Spirometer: Yes
Audiometer: No
Carbon monoxide meter: No
Autoclave: No
Cautery machines: Yes
Other equipment: Cryotherapy

Service to Patients

Are coils fitted within the Practice: Yes
Is child health surveillance carried out within the Practice: Yes
If so, is it undertaken by a registered trainer in CHS: Yes
Is minor surgery undertaken within the Practice: Yes
Is a community family planning clinic run: No
Are any outreach clinics run?: No


Nurses: 2 part time + 1 part time HCA
Practice Manager: 1 part time
Receptionists: 5 part time
Administrative Staff: 5 part time
Cleaner / Caretakers: 3

Attached Staff

District Nurse: 1
Social Worker:
Health Visitor: 1
Counsellor: 1


Design of surgery: Purpose built
Leasing arrangement: Leased
Number of medical consulting rooms: 3
Does the registrar have his/her own room: Yes
Level of information technology in use: Fully computerised
Paperless surgery: Yes

Further Information

This is the only dedicated training practice in suburban Upminster with full complimentary PHCT.

Moved into a new building in December 2005 [LIFT Scheme].


Fully computerised. Friendly staff. Compassionate atmosphere. Dedicated call recall systems. Attached physio, CPN, counsellor and dietician. On site community staff.

Committed training:

Dedicated tutorials on Fridays. Help and guidance with audit. Encouragement to do MRCGP. Good practice library. Business and financial aspects of practice. Clinical attachment for minor specialities. Study leave as per Deanery recommendation.

On call Tuesday 1-4 pm, OOH and Queens Hospital once a month, half day – Thursday afternoon.

VTS on Wednesday afternoon.