Practice Managers

Becoming a training practice

Information for practice managers

Becoming a training practice involves being approved as a Primary Care learning organisation. The Severn Postgraduate Medical Education website provides detailed information about this HERE.  

GP Trainers also need to be approved before the practice can host a GP Doctor in Training (DiT). More information is available HERE.

Being a training practice can offer some fantastic benefits, including additional appointments for patients, gaining new opinions/ enthusiasm and grants/ financial incentives too.

Once a DiT has been assigned to a practice, the practice manager plays a key role in: 

  • Getting them ready for their placement (including making necessary checks and ensuring the honorary contact is signed) 
  • Organising induction / practice orientation  
  • Contributing to their learning by offering training on business and practice management 
  • Ensuring they are protected in their supernumerary role within the practice 
  • Ensuring that practice staff are aware of their mandatory attendance at GP teaching (requirements/ timings vary depending on training year) 
  • Assisting with their timetabling and access to relevant opportunities  

Find out more information about a DiTs working week and their training requirements HERE.