This section covers some key recommendations and tips for Trainers / ESs to help with Educational Supervision

Educational Supervision
Being an ES is integral part of your role as a GP Trainer. As a scheme we run regular updates on how to do this role effectively. If you have any queries then please approach Omar or one of the TPDs for help. Also posting in our Trainers WhatsApp group can get you quick help from fellow trainers / ESs as well.
Tips for Educational Supervision and ARCPs It is good practice (but not mandatory) that you and your supervisee (ST1) meet up after 6 - 8 weeks into their first post on the scheme to see how they are coping in their post and to review their e-portfolio engagement. The outcome of this meeting is recorded as an Educator’s Note. Every GPST whether Full Time, LTFTT must have a minimum of one full ESR every 12 months prior to ARCP. They will usually have a non face to face interim ESR (iESR) at six months. The GPSTs must self rate their capabilities prior to either! The end date of a review period is the day the ESR is signed off by the Ed Sup. On that date the Ed Sup should create a new review period. If the GPST does not have a review period then evidence they add to the e-portfolio won't be counted. Prior to ARCP the end date of a review period is the day the ESR is signed off by the Ed Sup. On that date the Ed Sup should create a new review period even if it is the final ARCP! In the case of the final ARCP the new review period should be from the ESR sign off to the CCT date. This allows a GPST to add any information post ESR which may be required by the ARCP panel. Review periods are no longer 'tied to posts'. Every GPST whether Full Time or LTFTT must have a minimum of one ARCP panel every twelve months of completed training. The GP school are trying to move all ARCPs to the June date with the exception of pre CCT ARCPs for those out of sync (conduct 6 weeks prior to CCT date) or Doctors In Difficulty or those GPSTs who joined in February or having applied for transferable competencies who require ARCP after 6 months and 12 monthly thereafter. So ST transition and pre-mat leave ARCPs have gone. The ARCP period may be stretched to 15 months, so any ARCPs due after mid March can go one the June list (assuming not pre CCT or DIDs) ARCPs due after the June date may only be brought forward with the GPSTs consent (add as Educator’s Note). On return from maternity or sick leave a meeting should be held with their ES to plan the next few months (Educator's Notes to be completed) Short posts - A GPST returning from sick leave or starting maternity leave may only be in a post for a short period of time. If 6 weeks or less then that post does not count to Training. If between 3 months and 6 weeks it will count to training if they have a CSR, have generated 1 PDP and have done at least one aspect of WBPA (CBD/Cot or Mini-CEX) AND have some log entries. If a short post likely due to returning from mat leave encourage the GPST to use their Keeping In Touch (KIT) days for an opportunity of WBPA and reflective log entries. More than 30 days out of training requires the posts (stages) section of the e-portfolio to be changed and this can be done by scheme administrator. Less than 30 days out of training can simply go on the TOOT section of Form R declaration. TOOT (Time Out Of Training) and the way it is assessed and calculated has been clarified by the GP School. Here is a brief summary. It is the total number of days from the time your 'go off sick' to the day you return. So if you are off sick on Monday and return to work the following Monday that equals 7 days TOOT. Any day out of Training needs declaring GPSTs are expected to self report TOOT as it occurs through their e-portfolio If the total TOOT for your current ST phase (ST1, ST2 or ST3) of training exceeds 14 days and the ARCP panel is giving a satisfactory progress outcome they will extend your CCT date by TOOT declaration minus 14 days. Please note if you are not a full time Trainee the total TOOT threshold applies to the whole of your current ST phase of training NOT each calendar year. So here are a couple of examples Full time, August starter - days of TOOT in form R = 18, so CCT date extension is 18 -14 = 4 days 50% FTE, August starter - Days of TOOT from both form Rs of both ARCPs covering the two years of ST2 are added together, if they exceed 14 days CCT is extended. It helps to use the Quality of Evidence form created to help ensure all the evidence is commented on during ESR. You can download a copy of this from the link below Quality of Evidence for ESR Pennine Scheme
“My name is …..” & PLPs made easy presentation
Useful list of examples of potential PDP action points which you might suggest to your GPST
Walkthrough of ES section of the Eportfolio (starts around 48 min into the video)
Here is a video walkthrough on how to review portfolio for ESR and the completing ESR process
Interim ESR
The interim ESR is only appropriate to use between annual ESRs and when there is no ARCP scheduled within the next two months. A full ESR would be expected every calendar year.
An Interim ESR should NOT be done when:
- The last ARCP was an outcome 2 or 3
- The panel asked for a full ESR at your last ARCP
- The trainee has newly identified or previously declared Significant Events (GMC threshold of potential or actual serious harm to patients, not Learning Event Analysis), Complaints or Other Investigations which have not been resolved since their last ARCP i.e any declaration made on the last Form R (or SOAR in Scotland) which is outstanding.
The sign off for the Interim ESR is slightly different to that of a full ESR.
If the supervisor has any sufficient concerns and selects any outcome other than “satisfactory”, the portfolio will prompt to switch to a full ESR, where the ES will then be required to grade and evidence each capability and give the full ESR grading at the end.
Examples where concern may be raised include:
- If concerns raised at a previous ESR have not been resolved
- There are concerns over the ‘Level of Supervision’ needed, or your performance in the WPBA tools.
- There have been concerns identified about your lack of engagement in the Portfolio
- Concerns have been highlighted by the local education team or supervisors in the ‘Educators notes section of your Portfolio.
Should an Interim ESR be completed in error or where the Deanery have subsequently requested a full ESR, the ES must request an ESR roll back and then switch to a full ESR and complete this as normal with the trainee.
Educator notes
here is a useful link on how to use Educator notes effectively
Also please find the link to a fillable pdf form R which trainees can complete for their ESR prior to panels.
Some useful examples of action points which can be used during ESR process
Another useful document tips on giving feedback.