Half Day Release

Half Day Release (HDR) is a great opportunity to not only meet your peers in GP training but also an opportunity to explore new concepts and areas of learning. Our HDR offers an opportunity for you to actively get involved and present on areas that you are excited and passionate about. The themes for HDR change every 6months and the programme is managed by Dr Kate Baker, the TPD (Training Programme Director) responsible for HDR. If you have any suggestions of any hot topics you would like to be covered in your HDR timetable please feel free to drop Jess a line at k.baker25@nhs.net

Below is the timetable for the next 6months of HDR. Sessions start at 14.00 and finish at 17.00.

DatesParallel sessionTitleRooms (addition to SLT/JCR)
4th FebruaryNational HEFT conference SCA Mock 1NO SESSION – DAY BEFORE CHANGE OVER 
11th FebruaryNew starter induction SCA Mock 2Tiered session ST1/2 Patient safety ST3 Exit**NO SLT**JCR, TR3, TR2
18th February Enhanced induction I Palliative care Sophie Maltas 
25th FebruaryCentral PEAS (TPDs) AICentral teaching – annual adult and child safeguarding update 
4th MarchEnhanced induction II SCA Mock 3Group session – Exploring cultural attitudes to healthcareTR1, TR3, SR2
11th MarchEnhanced AKT courseCentral – Social Accountability II (half day), Launchpad ST3 (whole day) 
18th MarchEnhancing your consultation skills (DA)TieredST1/2 Patient safetyST3 Exit**NO EXTRA ROOMS**
25th March TALC Module 2 – Skills for building effective relationshipsTR2, TR3, FHMR
1st April MSKsceSR2, TR3, FHMR
8th April Central – Acing your WPBA (new starters only). No other session 
15th April Group – celebrating the City of Culture, Medicine and the ArtsTR3, SR2, FHMR
22nd April TALC Module 3 – skills for effective information gatheringTR3, SR2, FHMR
29th April TieredST1/2 ARCP prep ST3 Exit
**(ST3 on Zoom)**
6th May Group – Health promotion and motivational interviewingTR3, SR2, FHMR
13th May Central – Red Whale II (all day) 
20th May External communication skills day (Cedar Court) 
27th May Topic – TBC  
3rd June Tiered sessionST1 AKTST2 SCAST3 ExitTR3, SR2, FHMR
10th JuneTier 1 enhanced AKT course (DA)Central – GP under pressure, solution in a crisis 
17th JuneEnhancing your consultation skills (DA)ENTsceTR2, TR3, SR2
24th June Blended learning module – part 1 (self-directed)TR3, SR2, FHMR
1st July Blended learning module – part 2 (group session)TR3, SR2, FHMR
8th July Central – trainee conference (all day) 
15th July Feedback and ST3 Top Tips 
22nd July Celebration meal 
29th July TALC Module 4 – Essential skills for effective explanationsTR3, SR2, FHMR

Please register by scanning the below QR code 

Zoom & HDR

Below are some hints and tips on how to make the most of a Zoom teaching session especially for when you are delivering a presentation using this medium (Such as Wednesday tutorials);

HDR Group Learning

Many HDR sessions involve small group work, each facilitated by either a Programme Director, Trainer, Intending Trainer, or a combination thereof. On joining the scheme trainees will be assigned to a HDR group. We hope the groups will create a safe space in which difficult or uncomfortable issues can be explored in confidence and personal experiences shared. For continuity trainees stay in their HDR group for the duration of their training. HDR groups are made up of trainees at varying level of training (ST1, ST2 and ST3), with different levels of experience (depending on their previous training), working in different specialties and often from different backgrounds. The groups decide their own ‘group rules’ and it’s okay for the group to decide to change the agenda and deal with an urgent problem raised by a group member.

The four HDR groups are;

  • Dynamo
  • No More Nights
  • Resurgence
  • Smells Like Team Spirit
  • Ice Breakers

Not sure which group you’re in? Why not ask Gemma at gpscheme.bradford@hee.nhs.uk.

We hope HDR will help you develop skills for your lifelong learning as an independent innovative GP for tomorrow.

There are three types of session frequently used in the Half Day Release course:

Structured Sessions

Sometimes using an external resource – in which we aim to explore important areas of General Practice ‘beyond the textbooks’, which you may otherwise not meet in everyday practice, nor cover in topic based tutorials.


Which involve subgroups of 6-8 people who explore a topic/theme by looking at the literature, visiting community based projects or NHS services, contacting local experts etc. They then give a presentation to the whole group. By doing these sessions you develop presentation and teaching skills as well as exploring subjects in new ways.

Open Group Work

Sessions including case discussions (which may include video), ‘hot topics’ and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). PBL sessions – these small group sessions involve the exploration of a case scenario, with each stage raising different issues for discussion. Group members choose aspects to go away and research, and bring their findings back the following week. These types of sessions will certainly help you when it comes to doing the MRCGP case based discussions.

Feedback & Evaluation

We’d love to hear your views on HDR and value your feedback. We use this to design and mould future HDR programmes and is an essential component. We’re happy to hear from you at the end of each session or even each 6month block as to what went particularly well (and should continue) and on aspects that could be done differently. Please feel free to drop Sania a line at gpscheme.bradford@hee.nhs.uk to share your thoughts or by completeing the online feedback by scanning the below QR code  

CSA & RCA Preparation Sessions

The CSA/RCA Preparation Sessions are designed to help you prepare for the RCGP RCA/CSA Exam. These sessions run in parallel to the main HDR session. Trainees who are sitting the exam in the next sitting will have the opportunity to attend preparations sessions ahead of their submission/exam sitting. These sessions are usually small group sessions and facilitated by experienced GP trainers/TPDs and focus around refining and fine tuning your consultation skills ahead of the CSA/RCA exam. These sessions currently take place on zoom. For more information feel free to get in touch with Gareth, the TPD responsible for the RCA exam preparation.

Course 1 – 30 Sept Sitting

24th August – overview of submission preparation / review of trainees videos in 2 groups.

31st August – complexity – case selection / review of trainees videos in 2 groups. 

7th Sept – discussion around time management / review of trainees videos in 2 groups

14th Sept – final 3rd of the consultation / review of trainees videos in 2 groups

Course 2 – 22nd Nov Sitting

19th October – overview of submission preparation / review of trainees videos in 2 groups.

26th October – complexity – case selection / review of trainees videos in 2 groups. 

2nd Nov –  time management / review of trainees videos in 2 groups

9th Nov – final 3rd of the consultation / review of trainees videos in 2 groups