Modular Day Courses & RCA Preparation Sessions

Modular Day Courses

Modular Courses are specifically designed courses for trainees in hospital posts to take time out and focus on key areas of learning. If you are in a hospital post, you should attend the relevant modular courses. Please get in touch with the scheme administrator and your rota co-ordinator at the hospital as soon as possible to book time off.

SCA Preparation Sessions

The SCA Preparation Sessions are designed to help you prepare for the RCGP SCA Exam. These sessions run in parallel to the main HDR session. Trainees who are sitting the exam in the next sitting will have the opportunity to attend preparations sessions ahead of their submission/exam sitting. These sessions are usually small group sessions and facilitated by experienced GP trainers/TPDs and focus around refining and fine tuning your consultation skills ahead of the CSA/RCA exam. These sessions currently take place on zoom. For more information feel free to get in touch with Gareth, the TPD responsible for the RCA exam preparation.