
Click here to log into the RCGP ePortfolio

Non-urgent advice: An intro to the ePortfolio

The ePortfolio is one of the components of Work Place Based Assessments. (WPBA) It is just as important as COTs, CBDs, AKT and the CSA. Engagement with the e-portfolio is therefore mandatory and highly crucial.

The ePortfolio is the one stop place that brings everything together. It is a place where your record your WPBA, mandatory training and other assessments and forms. It is more than just a storage portal, it is a place where you record your learning (via Learning Logs). These logs contribute to the evidence towards your professional capabilities progression.

It will be regularly assessed by your Clinical supervisor and Educational Supervisor. It is your responsibility to keep keep it up to date.

ARCP panels which decide whether you may progress in your training review your e-portfolio at least once a year.

Non-urgent advice: Guide for Clinical Supervisors in secondary care

GP Trainees have to demonstrate the have covered all areas of the GP curriculum and Capability Framework.

1.The GP Curriculum 

A complete description of the GP curriculum is available on the RCGP website via the link above.

Clinical supervisors role should include

To do this-

Open the ePF.

Select your trainee

Click on their learning log.

Read the entries for their current post, ideally at regular intervals during the trainee’s attachment.

Mark the entry as read.

The trainee should have linked their entry to the curriculum, the CS should link the entry to as many of the competency headings as is appropriate

There is space to comment on the entry if required.

Awareness of the trainee’s PDP.

Completing a CSR. The trainee will let you know when this needs to be completed by. It may be as early as 4 months into their post.

Refer to the word descriptors for the competencies 

Use free text to justify ratings.

Ensure any concerns about a trainee’s performance or progress are recorded in the ePF and communicated with the GPTS team.


Useful points

Educator’s notes can be used to record concerns or conversations with the trainee.

Every trainee also has a named educational supervisor, who completes a 6-monthy educational supervisors meeting and report. This is a useful report to read.

The trainee is required to write a reflection on their post. This often provides valuable insight into life as a junior doctor on the wards or in general practice.

The clinical supervisor’s role is very important to the trainee in providing feedback and support and to the VTS in providing evidence for the trainee’s progression on the training scheme.

Please make contact with the TPD team if you have any questions or need advice.

Updated August 2019

Non-urgent advice: A new ePortfolio is coming

From August 2020 everything you knew about the ePF will change as the RCGP is moving to 14 Fish.

The new portfolio will be easier to use, and will save time for both trainees and trainers. There’s a mobile app so that you can record learning logs and review existing entries on the go, even if you don’t have an internet connection. You can easily check your progress towards your next ESR, and in general the system is quicker, slicker and should make things much easier and more helpful.

The new portfolio is going to be piloted in Wessex in early 2020, and the RCGP is planning for everyone to move on to the new system from August 2020.

Take a peek at it here

YH HEE document – ePortfolio guidance for satisfactory progress at ARCP panels