Trainers Resources

This section of the website is to share ideas and resources between trainers. If you have any documents that you think would be valuable for others to share please email them to the GP Admin team

Trainee feedback at 3 months

Nick Yerbury (Wootton Bassett) has provided this assessment questionnaire for GPRs to use at 3 months to let you know if you are getting things about right for them. It could complement the 3 month reviews that the GPE team carry out for GPRs.


At a glance guide to GP training. Helen Osborn (West Lavington) sent in this overview of the responsibilities of educational supervisors over the 3 years of training.

Mauro Bassanino has produced a very comprehensive set of guides for the ST2 and ST3 years:

Other resources

Learning opportunities GP Registrars (PDF file)
Angela Brunning (Practice Manager at the Hawthorne Surgery) has produced this guide mapping the GP curriculum to various learning opportunities within a practice setting.

The RCGP guide to the e Portfolio for Trainers
The complementary guide for trainers and educational supervisors 

Communication / Consultation skills Swindon GP

The Working Week and the New Junior Doctor Contract

Timeline for learning opportunities in GP practice setting

3month review in practice