Struggling and need help?
Click through here for Academy of Medical Royal Colleges support for doctors, Professional Support Unit (PSU), Doctors Support Network, Practitioner Health and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund. If you are in crisis, please contact your GP or the Samaritans who are available 24 hours a day. Their contact details can be found here
There are many different reasons why doctors may have difficulties at any stage of their career and we at the Portsmouth GP Education unit are here to support you during your training. We hope you will feel able to talk to us about anything which is impacting on your training or wellbeing. We can help signpost you to the most appropriate route of additional support if necessary. We have put some links for a couple of useful services above, but this list is by no means exhaustive.
When in practice your Trainer is a good point of contact for you but you can also approach your Training Programme Director (who runs your small group) at any stage of your training, either in person or by email to arrange a private chat, or via the office email.
Dr Rachel Elliott and Dr Bryony Sales (Associate Deans) are also available if you require a more formal discussion or support.
You are encouraged to discuss any personal physical or mental health problems with your own GP, but please do also inform us if these are having any impact on your ability to work.
If you are in crisis and unable to contact your GP then please contact the Samaritans.
We recognise that your wellbeing is important for your learning and for your patient care, so please do feel able to approach us if you are experiencing difficulty.
The Portsmouth / IoW GP education team