With effect from 1 April 2019 St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust is providing Lead Employer Services across Thames Valley for all GP speciality trainees.
The lead employer website has lots of useful information https://sharedservices.sthk.nhs.uk/
The contact details for the St Helens and Knowsley single lead employer departments can be found at: https://sharedservices.sthk.nhs.uk/lead-employer/key-service-contacts/
The Single Lead Employer Will:
- Ensure that all required pre-employment checks are carried out.
- Issue Contracts of Employment and ensure trainees receive 12 weeks’ notice of their first rotation.
- Ensure that trainees are Occupational Health assessed on the commencement of employment and able to access the provision of Occupational Health services for both immunisations and vaccinations and for regular health surveillance.
- Ensure that placement providers are sent rotations within 12 weeks, but recognise the changing nature of some trainees’ programmes where notification will be received outside this timescale.
- Acknowledge individual trainees resignations in writing, while forwarding them immediately to GP Dean.
- Provide guidance to HEETV and placement providers on the Terms and Conditions of Service for trainees.
- Handle all terms and conditions of service and contract enquiries in accordance with the relevant policies and schemes of delegation.
- Process claims made by trainees during their GP placements.
- Manage relocation and associated travel expenses according to the Authority Policy for the Removal and Associated Expenses Local Guidance for Doctors in Training.
- Ensure accurate monitoring, recording and management of all sickness absence for trainees in accordance with the relevant policy and scheme of delegation.
- Process requests for maternity, paternity and adoption leave in accordance with the relevant policy and scheme of delegation.
- Issue an amended contract of employment to trainees’ who have been approved to work Less Than Full Time.
- Handle concerns about the conduct, performance and health of trainees in accordance with the relevant policy and scheme of delegation.
- Manage all grievances and disputes in accordance with the relevant policy and scheme of delegation.
- Handle all bullying and harassment complaints in accordance with the relevant policy and scheme of delegation.
- The Lead Employer will provide a Guardians of Safe Working for trainees in primary care placements.
- Manage requests from trainees for specialised equipment to fulfil the requirements of the training programme at the recommendation of Occupational Health.
- Be responsible for monitoring of sickness and absence and providing monthly reports.