When in a Norwich linked practice or based at the NNUH and Norwich Psychiatry you will attend the teaching sessions at the NNUH. Day release at the NNUH occurs every other Wednesday.
The programme is divided in 3 groups.
Group A
First 6m in GP
Our group A sessions are about supporting you in the first GP placement. Our regular programme director led, peer-support sessions give you the chance to catch up, debrief and ask questions and queries with those tricky consultations that don’t always get covered in medical training below F2 level.
We have a mixture of trainee-led and specialist delivered teaching and presentations for those clinical topics, knowledge and skills needed for those first steps into GP practice and ultimately MRCGP success.
Group B
Hospital based trainees
Staying primary care focused whilst in hospital placements.
Our group B sessions provide an opportunity for peer support and primary care focussed teaching during hospital placements. We offer a mixture of Consutant and Trainee led sessions encouraging trainees to contribute to the programme and develop their teaching skills whilst broadening their knowledge base. Through seeing you regularly we aim ro maintain a supportive working relationship and help you to continue to work towards AKT success and beyond.
Group D
Final practice placement GPST3
The AKT and CSA exams are high stakes exams, so we devote this phase to helping prepare you for exam success and future GP. We start with reviewing how the exams work, with a session on exam myth busting, tips to pass and understanding the mind of an examiner. Our sessions are based around a ‘curriculum topic of the day’ where curriculum content is used as a framework for revision and the basis for small group work.
There lots to developing a successful career as a GP, and in the exit course we look at the things you never knew you needed to know, with sessions on ‘deciding what to do’, ‘being a locum and salaried GP’, ‘CVs, interviews and covering letters’. We have a practice finance dat where specialist medical accountants come and present on practice finance and loans, tax for doctors, financial planning. We have a practice legal day where specialist medical lawyers look at partnership agreements and GP commissioning and contracting. We have a session from a practice management partner detailing the ins and outs of staff management, future planning. This helps you plot the first steps into you independent GP career.
Day release and teaching form part of your working week, you are expected to attend teaching when not on AL, sick leave etc. A record of your teaching attendance per quarter will be added to your ePortfolio.
Teaching programmes
Please see below teaching programmes per group, please ensure you check the programme regularly for details of when and where and any updates to the programme.