ePortfolio (14Fish)

Your record of learning and achievements.

At the beginning of GP specialty training, after having registered with the RCGP, each trainee will be given access to the RCGP Trainee ePortfolio. The Trainee ePortfolio is accessed and updated online during the entire training programme, in both hospital and primary care posts. The Trainee ePortfolio records details of achievement in the AKT and CSA, documents evidence of WPBA, and is used by the trainee to create a record of their learning.

What is the Trainee ePortfolio?

The Trainee ePortfolio is where the trainee records their learning in all its forms and settings. It is designed to be an educational tool that will facilitate and record the trainee’s clinical and personal development throughout training. It is the system used to record the evidence collected through workplace based assessment (WPBA). It might be described as the ‘glue’ which holds the curriculum, learning and assessment together.

Login to the GP Trainee ePortfolio

Why is the Trainee ePortfolio necessary?

By making use of the full capability of electronic systems, the Trainee ePortfolio can deliver all that is required to record, monitor and manage a trainee’s learning in one place. A record of personal development and experience will be required throughout a GP’s career. The ePortfolio provides evidence that training has taken place and allows the doctor to reflect on a range of learning opportunities. By providing a structure for documenting the evidence harvested through WPBA tools, the Trainee ePortfolio helps to ensure that judgements about the trainee’s progress and achievement are based on a clear, systematically recorded picture of competence progression and curriculum coverage.

Access to the Trainee ePortfolio

The Trainee ePortfolio belongs to the trainee but key parts of it are accessible to the trainer, educational supervisor and deanery administrators through a permissions system. All personal records will be hidden to all except the trainee until they decide to share them. The personal section of the Trainee ePortfolio will be hidden to all except the GP trainee.

Many workplace based assessments will be completed online without the contributor having to enter the Trainee ePortfolio.

Features of the Trainee ePortfolio

The Trainee ePortfolio includes places to record tutorials, formal educational sessions and procedural skills. It has a diary and a mailbox. It will also contain links to learning resources that are being developed by the RCGP and has a personal area where individuals can save files, documents, certificates of learning and other digital materials.

Exam results

AKT and CSA/RCA results will be made available through the Trainee ePortfolio. The Trainee ePortfolio will also carry the evidence that is considered at interim and final reviews. Trainees who pass WPBA at final review and also have a pass in AKT and CSA/RCA will be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), inclusion in the General Medical Council’s GP Register, and membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

A trainee’s application for a CCT will be sent automatically to the RCGP certification unit via the ePortfolio. This will happen once the final ARCP outcome has been given by the deanery and the trainee has clicked the ‘Apply for a CCT’ button that will appear in their ePortfolio.