

Welcome to the Mid Sussex and Brighton GP Vocational Training Scheme. This site provides those interested in training in this region details about our practices, trainers, practice managers, programme directors, information about the area and much more.

This site also supports members of the GP specialty training team – those being trained and our trainers and includes details of our training events and teaching timetable.

Mid Sussex and Brighton GP Training Hub brings together NHS organisations, community, local authorities and education providers to deliver a broad education platform and provides the infrastructure for multi-professional training and education in primary care to support recruitment, retention and return of all staff groups.

GP specialty training rotation in Mid Sussex and Brighton is a wonderfully diverse and sought after area in which to live and work and provides a wide range of opportunities and experiences to assist in the process of becoming a competent, well-rounded and motivated GP.

How to contact us


How to apply

Click the following link to see how to apply to Mid Sussex and Brighton GP Training

We believe we have set up the site as intuitively as possible… your feedback would be appreciated.