
The Study Release Course (SRC) aims to help you develop the CORE COMPETENCIES of a GP. 

You will have to show that you KNOW ABOUT all aspects of General Practice, but also that you can KNOW HOW TO USE this knowledge and that you can SHOW HOW TO USE this knowledge and that you are actually DOING GENERAL PRACTICE to a high standard.

The SRC is a weekly full day session, split into three terms.  There will be pre-course preparation clearly indicated on the programme.  This will enable you to contribute effectively and to learn from the contributions of others.  Each study day is split into morning and afternoon sessions.

The morning sessions start promptly at 9.00 am until 12 noon.  As many suggestions as possible from the group are incorporated into the programme, subject to the availability of outside speakers.  The venue is usually the Education and Research Building (ERC) at University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM).  The teaching programme administrator is based in the ERC in the Postgraduate Department.

The afternoon sessions are in two parts and usually have a formal small group work format, although some afternoons are dedicated to outside speakers.  These sessions are from 1.00 pm until 3.00 pm.   The small groups offer opportunities to practice working with a group of colleagues not chosen by you – much as in a partnership or workplace.   This is good “workplace-based learning”.   You can use these groups to develop your skills in planning, negotiation, cooperation, running and chairing meetings, mentoring and teaching others etc.

Overall the SRC is expected to be that of a formal working day, ie starting at 8.45 am and finishing no earlier than 5.00 pm, so there is time allocated after the small groups for further small group study or private study as your prefer.   Your childcare, transport and personal arrangements should reflect this time commitment.

Information re UHSM

Parking – Trainees will be given a windscreen notice which allows all day parking in visitor car parking areas at the minimum charge rate (
