The Epsom training programme consists of a variety of placements in the hospital and in community settings. Each one is a four month placement, with a final rotation of general practice with the trainee’s educational supervisor.
The teaching programme is aligned to cover the topics within the GP curriculum. Epsom Training programme has two teaching sessions on a Wednesday:
Morning Teaching Session – to be attended by any trainee in a GP or ITP placement, runs between 9.30am until 12.30pm. Morning teaching takes place in Conference Room 1, Postgraduate Centre, 2nd Floor Wells Wing, Epsom General Hospital.
Afternoon Teaching Session – to be attended by any trainee in a hospital/psychiatry post, ST3s welcome to join, runs between 1pm and 2pm. Takes place in a hybrid format ( face to face and virtual) – if in person please come to Conference Room 1, Postgraduate Centre, 2nd Floor Wells Wing, Epsom General Hospital.