Epsom GP Speciality Training Scheme
Postgraduate Medical Centre, Wells Wing,
2nd Floor, Epsom General Hospital
Dorking Road
KT18 7EG
Non-urgent advice: PGMC
Martina Yanga – Head of Medical Education and Training
Email: martina.yanga@nhs.net
T: STH 0208 296 (4011)| T: EGH 0137 273 (5172)
Rebecca Pellatt – Study Leave Advisor
Email: rebecca.pellatt@nhs.net
T: STH 0208 296 (4011)| T: EGH 0137 273 (5172)
Non-urgent advice: Medical Workforce contact
Kirsty Holloway
Medical Workforce Advisor, Trainee GP Specialist
Email: kirsty.holloway@nhs.net
Non-urgent advice: Healthroster team
For any queries relating to annual leave or other absences please email:
Non-urgent advice: Rota Coordinators
Paulina Kaczorowska – Obs&Gynae Rota Coordinator
Email: esth.medicalstaffingog@nhs.net
T: 0208 296 2254
Tina Beckett – ED Rota Coordinator
Email: t.beckett@nhs.net
T: 0137 273 5237
Medicine Rota Coordinator
Email: esth.genmedstaffing@nhs.net
T: 0208 296 4042
Paediatric Rota Coordinator
Email: esth.medicalstaffingpaeds@nhs.net
T: 0208 296 4042