Non-urgent advice: What is the Simulated Consultation Assessment?
The Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) is the summative assessment that has replaced the RCA. It is sat in the ST3 year. It is conducted at a local GP surgery.
It is a remote assessment of twelve simulated stations each lasting twelve minutes. The stations are a mixture of video and telephone consultations
Reservations are made on fourteenfish up to 12 months in advance. There are nine sittings per year.
Non-urgent advice: Useful Resources
-RCGP SCA guide
-RCGP example videos
-RCGP Trainee Webinar
-The Complete MRCGP casebook and other CSA/RCA textbooks (whilst SCA textbooks are being written)
Courses- RCGP, e-Medica, MentorMed Educations, Complete MRCGP SCA Course