
Non-urgent advice: An introduction to the ePortfolio

The Trainee Portfolio holds details of the RCGP examinations, documents evidence of WPBAs, and enables the trainee to create a record of their learning. Engagement with the e-portfolio is therefore mandatory and highly crucial.

The ePortfolio is the one stop place that brings everything together. It is a place where your record your COTs, CBDs and other assessments and forms. It is a place where you can record your learning (via Learning Logs). These logs also contribute to the evidence towards your professional capabilities progression.

It will be regularly assessed by your Educational Supervisor and GP Trainer. It is your responsibility to keep it up to date. ARCP panels which decide whether you may progress in your training review your e-portfolio at least once a year.

Non-urgent advice: FourteenFish

The new portfolio was introduced in August 2020. It is easier to use, requires fewer clicks to access key areas of the system and it is available as a mobile app.

Click here for some video walkthroughs

Tip: When sending forms from FourteenFish to other healthcare professionals reassure them that it is not spam!

YH HEE document – ePortfolio guidance for satisfactory progress at ARCP panels