New Starters

Welcome to all new trainees.

We hope you’re looking forward to your GP training programme as much as we are looking forward to helping you along the way. Remember: the scheme has a GP administrator and several Training Programme Directors that you can call upon.

5 things to do as soon as you join a scheme…

1. Register with the RCGP as an Associate in Training

– Do this ASAP.

– To register online, click here.

– There is an enquiry line for AiTs (email or telephone 020 7344 3078) for any registration queries.

2. Get hold of your rota

Contact your TPDs and get your rota so that you find out the details of your first post.  Then contact that post and see exactly what is going to happen on your first and subsequent few days.

3. We recommend getting extra protection from a medical defence organisation

In GP and Hospital posts, you are to some extent covered by the Indemnity offered by the NHS. However, you may end up doing (without realising it) other professional activities which may not be covered by the NHS Indemnity. So, if you want peace of mind, we strongly recommend additional cover through membership of a recognised medical defence organisation or insurer for these purposes.

4. Note the dates of the GP Training Scheme’s induction & book the leave

If you don’t know when your GP scheme’s induction is – email your GP scheme administrator. When you have got your dates for your GP TRAINING SCHEME’S induction, don’t forget to  book that time as study leave with your first post.  PLEASE TELL THEM AND  BOOK IT IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – they will not automatically know.  

There are TWO Inductions you will receive

The first is an induction to your post

Either a GP post based induction or a hospital specialty based induction.  These will help you settle into your new specific ST1 post.

The second induction will be that organised by the Barnet GPVTS Scheme TPDs

The aim of this induction is to provide an orientation session where you meet the TPDs and the other members of the GP training scheme. 

You need to attend both.

I haven’t got an ePortfolio. Help!

That’s because you have not registered with the RCGP as an Associate in Training (AiT). Please do that now. Details above.

Post CCT and new starters to Barnet Primary Care

Congratulations on getting through training and passing all your exams! Now the real fun begins. To make the next steps easier we have linked useful documents that we think you would find helpful from here on.

The below document is an Induction pack which has been developed by graduates of the Barnet scheme and The Barnet Training Hub. It is a useful guide outlining the various primary care roles, services and organisations within Barnet Primary Care, how to get access to training on the various IT systems we use including Emis, Docman and AccuRx, local induction and training modules required as a newly qualified GP.