During your 3 year training programme there is a Stuctured Teaching Programme that provides GP orientated formal teaching. During ST1 and ST2 hospital posts there are fortnightly half-day sessions, during your GP+ posts weekly half-day sessions, and in ST3 a weekly half-day or full-day teaching session which provides 25 days education in your ST3 year.
We aim to provide teaching that meets a wide range of learning styles and builds in a spiral fashion on your earlier learning, clinical experience and ‘real life’ experiences.
The structure for the teaching programme is outlined below.
St Year 1: Laying The Foundation
- Induction, using the e-portfolio
- How to prepare for the AKT
Basic Consulting Skills
- Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
- Initiating the consultation
- Information gathering
- Explanation skills
- Negotiating a management plan
- Safety netting
Basics Of Chronic Disease Management
- Cough and wheeze
- Asthma
- Hypertension
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Diabetes
- Heart failure
- Minor illness
- A Rough Guide to Dermatology
Introducing The GP Competencies
- Adult learning and the learning cycle: how to make the best of your training and the e-portfolio (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- Learning styles (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- Skills of giving feedback (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- Professionalism (Fitness to practice)
- Ethics: ethical principles (Maintaining an ethical approach to practice)
- Clinical governance and Patient safety (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- EBM: How to read a paper (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- EBM: Gathering evidence session (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- EBM: Using evidence in clinical practice (Maintaining performance, learning and teaching)
- The structure of the NHS (Organisation, management and leadership)
- How primary care and general practice works (Organisation, management and leadership)
- Understanding funding for primary care: nGMS, PMS and APMS (Organisation, management and leadership)
- Team working (Working with colleagues and in teams)
- Principles of prescribing and prescribing costs (community orientation)
St Year 2: Developing Knowledge And Skills
Consultation Skills Course
- Consultation models session 1
- Consultation models session 2
- Changing patient behaviour
- Angry and aggressive patients
- Breaking bad news
- Telephone consultation skills
- Triadic consultations
- Video consultations session 1
- Video consultations session 2
- Video consultations session 3
Common Problems
During ST1 as a group you choose the topics to be covered in the ST2 Structured Teaching Programme. Common topics chosen are:
- AF
- Upper GI symptoms
- Lower GI symptoms
- Prostate problems
- Erectile dysfunction
- Headaches
- Behavioural problems in children
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dementia
- Travel advice
- Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Common shoulder problems
- Back pain
- Osteoporosis
- Menstrual problems
- Menopause and HRT
- Breast problems
- Sexual health
- Domestic violence
- AKT statistics
- Sickness certification
- Death certification and other certification
St Year 3: Becoming a GP
Higher Level Consultation Skills
- Developing consultation skills:
- Video consultation analysis
- Role play scenarios
- CSA preparation sessions with actors
- Mock CSA
- Narrative learning and consulting
- Neuro-linguistic programming: an aid to consulting
Additional Skills:
- Palliative care
- Consulting with Children and Teenagers (including safeguarding)
- Child Health Promotion Theory Course (if not done during paediatrics post)
- Dermatology
Psychiatry Module
- Introduction to CBT
- Using CBT in practice
- Mental health act
- Mental capacity
Management Module (Residential)
- Working in groups and teams
- Leadership models, styles and skills – an introduction
- Chairing skills
Practice Management
- Leadership skill
- Project management – management of change
- Complaints
- Risk management
- Recruiting staff and interviewing skills
- Practice finance and tax
- Stress and time management
- Principles of teaching, clinical supervision and mentoring
- Ethics revisited
Getting a Job
- CV’s
- Continuing professional development
- Future roles in General Practice
- Finding the right practice:
- Practice visit exercise: visiting a practice as if you were applying for a job there and reflecting on the experience