The GP curriculum has been defined by the RCGP and this can be viewed on the RCGP website. By the end of their GP training GPSTs need to demonstrate that they have covered the GP curriculum through learning log entries on their e-portfolio. How a GPST does this will be very individual and be influenced by the posts on their training programme, their experience in general practice, use of study leave and educational events, and their individual learning styles. To help GPSTs on the Wigan GPSTP plan how they can cover the GP curriculum we have developed a number of resources and also used the ‘blog’ to build up a list of helpful articles and on-line reources for individual curriculum areas.
It can be helpful for GPSTs to develop a rough plan on how to cover the curriculum at the start of their training by thinking about:
- Which areas of the curriculum will naturally be covered through the experience provided by their hospital and GP+ training posts
- Which areas of the curriculum will be covered through their structured teaching programme
- What courses or educational events might be used to cover the other areas of the curriculum