GP Specialist Trainees (GPSTs) must be competent in the provision of Urgent & Unplanned Care (UUC) in order to attain a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). Educational supervisors must be able to sign off their GPST as being competent in their final educational supervisor review.
Competence in UUC should be demonstrated by two different activities.
- It is recommended that GP trainees should gain 24 hours of OOH experience during the GP placements by the end of ST2. A further 48 hours of OOH experience should be obtained during ST3.
- UUC competence can also be demonstrated by gaining duty doctor/on-call experience in the practice during normal working hours
Please note that pre-booked, extended hours sessions do not demonstrate UUC competence.
Booking Out of Hours Sessions
You will be given login details when you start your training, login to the following website to book out of hours sessions:-
website is:
Queries regarding shifts e-mail or call 01707 385932 (Mon – Fri 8 to 6)
If you are sick for a shift you need to call 08445 60 50 40 option 1 or 0300 033 9981 (24 Hours)
Out of hours form to be completed by trainee and signed by OOH supervisor Out of Hours form
Further information regarding GP out of hours can be found on the HEEoE website.