GPST Programme Co-ordinators
Our Programme Co-ordinators are a good point of contact for most queries and they are based in the Admin Office of the Medical Education Centre at Watford General Hospital:
Titilayo Akintoye
Medical Education Manager
Deborah Noel
Deputy Medical Education Manager/GPSTP Co-ordinator-Postgraduate Education

- Email:
Dr Ruth Williams
Training Programme Director

I am a GP partner in St Albans and have been a GP trainer for over 15 years. I have a longstanding interest in medical education, especially in teaching consultation skills and what it really means to be a good GP.
Dr Bruce Covell
Training Programme Director

I have been a full time GP in St Albans since 1986 and have been a Programme Director since 2000. I have been training my own registrars and am an appraiser. I am the PCN clinical director. My special interests are family medicine and probability based diagnosis.
Dr Inna Vardi-Flynn
Training Programme Director

I work as GP partner as well as an extended scope GP specialist in gynaecology outpatient clinics locally. I am passionate about women’s health, sexual health, menopause and medical education.
Dr Anusha Dattani
Training Programme Director